// Ver .91 Feb 21 1998 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright 1998 Jeremie // Free for public non-commercial use and modification // as long as this header is kept intact and unmodified. // Please see http://www.jeremie.com for more information // or email jer@jeremie.com with questions/suggestions. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Simple XML Processing Library ////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Fully complies to the XML 1.0 spec //// as a well-formed processor, with the //// exception of full error reporting and //// the document type declaration(and it's //// related features, internal entities, etc). /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// //// the object constructors for the hybrid DOM function _element() { this.type = "element"; this.name = new String(); this.attributes = new Array(); this.contents = new Array(); this.uid = _Xparse_count++; _Xparse_index[this.uid]=this; } function _chardata() { this.type = "chardata"; this.value = new String(); } function _pi() { this.type = "pi"; this.value = new String(); } function _comment() { this.type = "comment"; this.value = new String(); } // an internal fragment that is passed between functions function _frag() { this.str = new String(); this.ary = new Array(); this.end = new String(); } ///////////////////////// // global vars to track element UID's for the index var _Xparse_count = 0; var _Xparse_index = new Array(); ///////////////////////// //// Main public function that is called to //// parse the XML string and return a root element object function Xparse(src) { var frag = new _frag(); // remove bad \r characters and the prolog frag.str = _prolog(src); // create a root element to contain the document var root = new _element(); root.name="ROOT"; // main recursive function to process the xml frag = _compile(frag); // all done, lets return the root element + index + document root.contents = frag.ary; root.index = _Xparse_index; _Xparse_index = new Array(); return root; } ///////////////////////// ///////////////////////// //// transforms raw text input into a multilevel array function _compile(frag) { // keep circling and eating the str while(1) { // when the str is empty, return the fragment if(frag.str.length == 0) { return frag; } var TagStart = frag.str.indexOf("<"); if(TagStart != 0) { // theres a chunk of characters here, store it and go on var thisary = frag.ary.length; frag.ary[thisary] = new _chardata(); if(TagStart == -1) { frag.ary[thisary].value = _entity(frag.str); frag.str = ""; } else { frag.ary[thisary].value = _entity(frag.str.substring(0,TagStart)); frag.str = frag.str.substring(TagStart,frag.str.length); } } else { // determine what the next section is, and process it if(frag.str.substring(1,2) == "?") { frag = _tag_pi(frag); } else { if(frag.str.substring(1,4) == "!--") { frag = _tag_comment(frag); } else { if(frag.str.substring(1,9) == "![CDATA[") { frag = _tag_cdata(frag); } else { if(frag.str.substring(1,frag.end.length + 3) == "/" + frag.end + ">" || _strip(frag.str.substring(1,frag.end.length + 3)) == "/" + frag.end) { // found the end of the current tag, end the recursive process and return frag.str = frag.str.substring(frag.end.length + 3,frag.str.length); frag.end = ""; return frag; } else { frag = _tag_element(frag); } } } } } } return ""; } /////////////////////// /////////////////////// //// functions to process different tags function _tag_element(frag) { // initialize some temporary variables for manipulating the tag var close = frag.str.indexOf(">"); var empty = (frag.str.substring(close - 1,close) == "/"); if(empty) { close -= 1; } // split up the name and attributes var starttag = _normalize(frag.str.substring(1,close)); var nextspace = starttag.indexOf(" "); var attribs = new String(); var name = new String(); if(nextspace != -1) { name = starttag.substring(0,nextspace); attribs = starttag.substring(nextspace + 1,starttag.length); } else { name = starttag; } var thisary = frag.ary.length; frag.ary[thisary] = new _element(); frag.ary[thisary].name = _strip(name); if(attribs.length > 0) { frag.ary[thisary].attributes = _attribution(attribs); } if(!empty) { // !!!! important, // take the contents of the tag and parse them var contents = new _frag(); contents.str = frag.str.substring(close + 1,frag.str.length); contents.end = name; contents = _compile(contents); frag.ary[thisary].contents = contents.ary; frag.str = contents.str; } else { frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 2,frag.str.length); } return frag; } function _tag_pi(frag) { var close = frag.str.indexOf("?"+">"); var val = frag.str.substring(2,close); var thisary = frag.ary.length; frag.ary[thisary] = new _pi(); frag.ary[thisary].value = val; frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 2,frag.str.length); return frag; } function _tag_comment(frag) { var close = frag.str.indexOf("-->"); var val = frag.str.substring(4,close); var thisary = frag.ary.length; frag.ary[thisary] = new _comment(); frag.ary[thisary].value = val; frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 3,frag.str.length); return frag; } function _tag_cdata(frag) { var close = frag.str.indexOf("]]>"); var val = frag.str.substring(9,close); var thisary = frag.ary.length; frag.ary[thisary] = new _chardata(); frag.ary[thisary].value = val; frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 3,frag.str.length); return frag; } ///////////////////////// ////////////////// //// util for element attribute parsing //// returns an array of all of the keys = values function _attribution(str) { var all = new Array(); while(1) { var eq = str.indexOf("="); if(str.length == 0 || eq == -1) { return all; } var id1 = str.indexOf("\'"); var id2 = str.indexOf("\""); var ids = new Number(); var id = new String(); if((id1 < id2 && id1 != -1) || id2 == -1) { ids = id1; id = "\'"; } if((id2 < id1 || id1 == -1) && id2 != -1) { ids = id2; id = "\""; } var nextid = str.indexOf(id,ids + 1); var val = str.substring(ids + 1,nextid); var name = _strip(str.substring(0,eq)); all[name] = _entity(val); str = str.substring(nextid + 1,str.length); } return ""; } //////////////////// ////////////////////// //// util to remove \r characters from input string //// and return xml string without a prolog function _prolog(str) { var A = new Array(); A = str.split("\r\n"); str = A.join("\n"); A = str.split("\r"); str = A.join("\n"); var start = str.indexOf("<"); if(str.substring(start,start + 3) == "<"+"?x" || str.substring(start,start + 3) == "<"+"?X" ) { var close = str.indexOf("?"+">"); str = str.substring(close + 2,str.length); } var start = str.indexOf("",start) + 1; var dp = str.indexOf("[",start); if(dp < close && dp != -1) { close = str.indexOf("]>",start) + 2; } str = str.substring(close,str.length); } return str; } ////////////////// ////////////////////// //// util to remove white characters from input string function _strip(str) { var A = new Array(); A = str.split("\n"); str = A.join(""); A = str.split(" "); str = A.join(""); A = str.split("\t"); str = A.join(""); return str; } ////////////////// ////////////////////// //// util to replace white characters in input string function _normalize(str) { var A = new Array(); A = str.split("\n"); str = A.join(" "); A = str.split("\t"); str = A.join(" "); return str; } ////////////////// ////////////////////// //// util to replace internal entities in input string function _entity(str) { var A = new Array(); A = str.split("<"); str = A.join("<"); A = str.split(">"); str = A.join(">"); A = str.split("""); str = A.join("\""); A = str.split("'"); str = A.join("\'"); A = str.split("&"); str = A.join("&"); return str; } //////////////////